Principal's Message
My dear lovely students, My Heartiest greetings to all of you. I welcome you to GYAN BIKASH ACADEMY, an institute of academic excellence and achievement.The Academy was established in 2011. Here we are giving excellent teaching to our valued students. I assure all of you a nurturing and caring environment. Swami Vivekananda says “True education is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” So my dear students seek out that education, discover that truth & do remember to use it perfectly and correctly. Education is not the amount of information that is put in your brain & remains undigested through out your life. I can tell you that negative education which is based on negation is worse than death. We must have life building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas. Mahatma Gandhi said that cleanliness is next to Godliness. Being clean is a sign of spiritual, purity or goodness. Cleanliness keep our body and mind fresh. As we must be careful to our food with which we nourish our body, so we must watch the nourishment with which we feed the intellect. Do we feed our intellect rubbish? Any non-essential thoughts poison the intellect & make it stagnant & murky. So to make our intellect clear we must constantly create clear & nourishing thoughts or value based thoughts. Gyan Bikash Academy is constantly imparting that kind of education for the all round development of our students. Great men always say that a pure mind in a chaste body is the noblest acquisition on earth. Live a life worth living and live for the world. We should not remain simply as a human being, instead we should try to make the best of our life & its opportunities to transform ourselves in to supremely potent force. Be strong & stout in heart. Be brave to take steady in action. To grow self confidence we have to constantly remind ourselves that we are not weak. We can do anything and must want to do that by all means. In Swami Vivekananda’s words “Self confidence alone can do the greatest to humanity. We must have faith in ourselves even before faith in God.” As Swami ji said if a man doesn’t allow himself to be a lion among the animals, he would end up being a sly fox at the most. Hence it is necessary always to encourage & enhance to be positive and fearless thinking.