Established in 2011, Gyan Bikash Academy is an inspiring community of smart and genuinely nice people.
In the name and style of Gyan Bikash Academy has come – up to cater the needs of the students of N.E. India for acquiring knowledge of Arts & Commerce. The institution aims at serving the society by spreading knowledge and education in Arts & Commerce. It hopes to instill in the students the awareness of learning in the appropriate direction to enable them to face the challenges of 21st century.
The mission & vision of Gyan Bikash is to equip the students with the most proficient academic materials ,so that they can develop fully as complete educated member of the society to face the present scenario of the world. Our course modules have been designed systematically keeping in concern regarding updated changing standard year after year. We are imparting our education programmes in such a way that after completion of the course students will be able to face any kind of stiff competition and they themselves will be confident to grab job in their relevant fields.